Straight Outta Compton

Straight Outta Compton

I already knew a little about N.W.A.’s story before sitting down to watch Straight Outta Compton, having recently read Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: A History Of The Hip-Hop Generation. As I mentioned in my review of that book, hip-hop’s never really carried that much appeal for me 

Taylor Swift: Miss Americana

Taylor Swift: Miss Americana

A Netflix Original, Taylor Swift: Miss Americana is a very obviously deliberate attempt to humanise the much-discussed popstar, delivered in a somewhat formulaic format, which proves fairly engaging nonetheless. Whilst the film somewhat encourages the viewer to pick apart Taylor’s psyche (something that the wider 

Click: The Music Plays On

Click: The Music Plays On

Okay, so The Music Plays On isn’t really a documentary as such, given that Click’s report on the global pandemic’s impact on live music lasts a grand seven minutes in total, but I always wanted this blog to explore and hopefully add to the social 



It often surprises people when I tell them I’ve never been to Glastonbury. As someone who’s been regularly attending festivals since I was 12, it’s automatically assumed that I must have also embraced the biggest party on earth as my own by now. Alas, I